Sunday, March 29, 2009

How about another sky

Here is a photo from my trip to the "Motor City" Detroit a few weeks ago.  I have never photographed a wedding at this church but would love to.  I was at St. Patrick's Cathedral a few weeks ago and this is certainly not on the same level. The City of Detroit is certainly full of history and believe it or not there is some great architecture there.  
Ok, maybe their was a little photoshop work done here to make things a little more exciting but heck nothing about life is real, well except life that is.  
Interested in what this looked like before I did a little photoshop magic?  Here take a look:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring....or maybe Fall?

It is Spring here in Michigan........well is is supposed to be.  It smells like Spring today (wet and moldy).  But it really has been looking and acting like Fall.  I am a Summer person myself.  I actually live for the sun and heat of Summer and try to enjoy every moment.  Here is a photo of the back of my house (please ignore the mess), I took this doing a little camera testing this evening.  The photo received a little editing to bring out the clouds.  

For those photography geeks out there the clouds are real but I did a little HDR treatment to it.   It was photographed with a Canon 1Ds Mark II and Canon 16-35L.   ISO 400/2.8 shot in RAW

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Sometimes it takes a little editing to turn a bland photo into something a bit more interesting.  Even the great "Motor City" Detroit, needed a little oomph.  I did time it correctly to photograph the location at sunrise,  however there really wasn't much to make it pop.  Without photoshop,  the building formerly known as The Renaissance Center, would not be much of a photo. 

By the way enjoy, this building before GM has to auction it off on Ebay to recoup a few bucks to repay a few billion in government loans ....... yikes.  

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New York City

I was able to spend a day in New York City and of course I had to take a few photos.  I have flown into NYC and out in the same day for work before.  This time I was able to have a little time for a few photos.  I found the people in NYC to be friendly and the city is tons of fun!  There are lots of things to do and see. Here are a couple photos from the trip.