The way a photographer, a professional photographer sees things are typically different than the "normal" perspective. There are times I see an image in my mind but it does not necessarily match what is in front of me. Many times this calls for me to stand on something, bend down, change the angle or perspective of how I photograph this person, place or thing. I tell those interested in photography to work outside of their comfort zone. Take photos from different angles, it can make a big difference.
The photo below of the tractor was how I envisioned it. I knew without thinking that I would have to manipulate the fence but it could certainly be done. This was a minor adjustment but makes a big difference.

Here is the final image of the tractor. This was taken by leaning over the fence and it was just out of camera range, barely. The tractor is now without obstruction but does take up the entire frame.

This was how this tractor looked from the normal perspective. Moving up on it a little which would eliminate the fence and bring it into the frame without the obnoxious obstruction was how I viewed it in my little brain.
Here are the photography geek stats on this photo: f/6.3, ISO 200, taken with the Canon 1D Mark II, Canon 24-70 2.8mm, taken at 24mm, photographed in RAW, editing was done in Apple Aperture