Some photographers know exactly the shot they want. Well, I like to consider myself a visionary but, in reality the good Lord puts things in front of me at different times that I do not expect. For example, I packed up the vehicle with myself, my wife, and two of my youngest children. For those that have kids you understand that getting everyone in the car is sometimes an adventure. Well, I wanted to run to get a shot of this old church I had driven by a few times and thought that it would like good at sunset. After loading the vehicle my wife then tells me that we needed gas. While I left only enough time to run to the location and take the shot. I did not plan on having to stop and fill up, but I took the time because otherwise we were walking home, the fuel gage was on empty. After filling up I ran to the church location only to find it a little disappointing. It did not quite match up to the sunset image I had in mind. But lucky me right behind the church was this field and tree with the sunlight shinning through. So what is pictured here is not what I had planned, but sometimes you have to look at things differently. Instead of complaining (I did enough en-route to get gas, sorry dear) I was open minded enough to see the real shot. The Lord led me to this church not to take a photo of the church but to see the beautiful sunset coming through an unexpected place.
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