Both photos are from a shoot I did for a news agency. They are from a haunted house, well more of what they would call "Reality House". A church group put together a haunted house based on real life situations to get ticket buyers to realize how scary life is and that they need Jesus. The top photo was of an actress who played a part in a drunk driving scene which told about the brutal reality of drunk driving. The bottom photo is of an actor who plays the part of satan who tells of how just living a good life without Jesus will lead to hell.
For photography geeks: Both photos were shot with a Canon 5D and Canon 35L. The top photo was a challenge due to lighting but I positioned myself to where the lighting would balance and I could shoot to emphasize the girls wounds. The bottom photo I thought would not work. Technically it was VERY dark. I did not want to shoot at too slow of a shutter speed, so I shot with high ISO on the Canon 5D, something it is known to do well with. Then with the strength of the 5D and the strengths of the 35L's 1.4, I positioned myself where I could get enough light to get a photo that told the story.
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